Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stephen Fincher Running For Congress In Tennessee's 8th District

It appears John Tanner will have some serious competition in next years election. I personally have voted for John Tanner every time he has run for office, but no more, he has lost my vote forever. John Tanner represents exactly what is wrong in Washington. He has been there too long, and no longer represents his constituents; he represents himself and his party first, instead. He has voted with Nancy Pelosi ninety plus percent of the time. I think we can all agree that Nancy Pelosi does not represent the mainstream, much less the eighth district in Tennessee. John Tanner needs to be voted out, next year. We need to remember that so-called "Blue Dogs," are democrats first.

From what I hear, Stephen Fincher is a good Christian man, who embodies values, honesty, and integrity. I believe Stephen Fincher will represent his constituents first, therefore, he deserves our vote. I seriously doubt his vote could be even close to as bad as John Tanner's vote has become. He can help take our country back. Just my opinion.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We Need Veterans Running Our Country!

We need veterans running our country, instead of the corrupt incumbents in congress now, and the academic left-wing moronic types who have never had a real job. We have to support all veterans running. We need patriots who love our country in leadership positions. I intend to compose a list between now and the 2010 elections. I have three so far. If anyone knows of more, please forward to me.

Allen West in Florida

Adam Kokesh in New Mexico

Nick Popaditch in California

Nick Popaditch for Congress

Another true American Patriot running for congress. Nick Popaditch is a real american badass. We need to support his campaign morally as well as monetarily.
These are the men we need running our country, not lawyers and academic types who have no leadership skills and have never held a real job.

Adam Kokesh For Congress

Check Adam Kokesh's site and see where he stands on the issues. I think you will see that he is one of us, not the left-wingers. We need to support Adam's campaign morally, as well as monetarily. We need Patriots like this instead of lawyers from Harvard running our country. Thanks Brad

Obama's Agenda

I think we can all agree that every poll conducted by any organization shows a vast majority of American voters to be centrist, to center right as far as their political opinions. How did our country get hijacked by a small group of academic type, left-wing lunatics, and "ivory tower" morons who are touted to be so intelligent, but have so little common sense, they would look up in the rain and drown?

The truth is, Obama had to lie about who he was, or he would've received about four percent of the votes. He could not be honest, he had to hoodwink independant voters. He does not have the mandate to foist this radical agenda upon us. Everyone should know this, but unfortunately, many are still asleep. Obama and his administration hate America. Polls now show "buyer's remorse" of legendary proportions. These left-wing progressive nutjobs have turned our country upside down. Obama has not done ANYTHING right yet. We have to win a conservative majority in Congress next year, or we as a nation are toast. We have to diligently educate voters, this is critical. Just my opinion.

9/11 Terrorists To Be Tried In Manhattan

The Obama administration and attorney general Eric Holder have decided to bring the 9/11 mastermind, and other terrorist conspirators to trial in Manhattan, about two blocks from where the World Trade Center once stood. This is another slap in the face to victims of terrorism, to their families, and to any red-blooded American Patriot who loves this country. This is nothing more than another attempt to demonize the CIA. The CIA kept us safe from further terrorist attacks until two weeks ago. Why can Obama not see this? The big shot lawyers who will defend these terrorists, who I might add, should’ve already been tried, found guilty, and executed, will make a mockery of this. CIA agents will be forced to hand over pre-trial documents, and will have to testify. Our intelligence secrets will be revealed to the world. This will be nothing more than intelligence coup for Al Qaeda, and teh rest of our enemies. As a result, this charade will make us much less safe as a nation. What happens when we lose a city, and millions of people to terrorism as a result of Obama's incopetence? Will they say it's a criminal act, istead of terrorism? This is yet another disgrace, courtesy of our interloper president and his administration. Just my opinion.

Senate Armed Services Committee Postpones Fort Hood Briefing

President Obama has asked the Senate Armed Services Committee to postpone briefings on the Fort Hood terrorist attack two weeks ago. This is nothing more than a coverup by congressional Democrats, make no mistake about it. This is nothing more than an attempt to sweep this under the rug. Just my opinion.

Is Symbolism Important?

President Obama now goes to Japan and bows down to the emperor, just like he did before the King in Saudi Arabia. This symbolizes deference and submission, and is a terrible idea. NO American President has ever acted in this fashion. We as a nation are not ready to submit to any country! Everything this man does, he does wrong. He has a knack for giving us a strange reversal of the Midas touch. He is ten times weaker than Jimmy Carter. The man is as arrogant and thin skinned as they come, and is a laughing stock all over the world. At the same time, Obama takes pride in crapping on any American who dares disagree with or criticize him. Just my opinion.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama in China

President Obama goes to China, and apologizes once again. He said in a town hall meeting to college students that we need to be modest and need not think our ideals work well in every country. Freedom, capitalism and the opportunity to succeed is bad? Human rights are bad? His need to apologize and bow down to dictators is the most irritating thing I've ever seen. He does not apologize for me, as I'm not sorry, for anything.

The funny thing is, the leaders of China took him on a tour of the Forbidden City, and they kicked everyone else out. Therefore, he didn't get to showboat in front of a quarter million people like he did in's amusing, really. I'm afraid Obama will turn out to be worse than Jimmy Carter, if that's possible. For everyone who thinks Obama is this intellectual heavyweight; he proves on a daily basis that he is an unqualified, inept, dolt. I'd be a better president than Obama. He's a Texas sized embarrassment. Just my opinion.

Football Weekend..and Jimmy Carter's Dumb Ass

My best friend and I traveled to Oxford, MS and Nashville TN this past weekend. We saw two football games, drank copious amounts of beer and had so much fun, it should be illegal. I actually refused to watch the news, refused to read the newspaper, and refused to get aggravated about the politicians that give all us acid reflux on a daily basis. However, I'm back at work today. I've been too busy to post until here goes.

This is too funny. I opened up Drudge Report and the large headline says "Carter Defends His Handling Of The Iran Hostage Crisis." I was a child when this event took place. However, I recognized then, and as bad as my memory is, remember Carter's incompetence just like it all happened yesterday, even as a child. This is laughable. All I am going to say, is that Iran released the hostages just hours after Reagan's inauguration. Jimmy Carter, keep making an ass of yourself. You make our argument a helluva lot easier to win. Oh, and check out his grill in the pic. I guess he's building houses in Asia these days. I wish he'd move there. He'd be right at home in communist China. Just my thoughts. Click the title or copy & paste the link to see the article.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thank You Mr. President!

As mad as I am at former President George W. Bush, because in my humble opinion, it is because of his terrible second term that we are saddled with this renegade congress and inept dolt president we have now. That said, we owe the man a debt of gratitude for keeping us safe, and recognizing the national security threat we face as a nation. I also REALLY appreciate he and Laura's consoling the injured and the families of the injured and murdered at Fort Hood this week. They did this secretly. They wanted no publicity, as their concern is genuine. This showed a ton of class on he and Laura's behalf, something of which the current administration has none of, zero, zilch. just my thoughts.

George & Laura Bush Secretly Visit Fort Hood Victims

Bill Sammon
- November 07, 2009
George W. Bush Secretly Visits Fort Hood Victims

The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News.

Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura secretly visited Fort Hood last night and spent "considerable time" consoling those who were wounded in Thursday's shooting spree, Fox News has learned.

The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News.

The couple was described as "deeply concerned" about military families on Fort Hood after Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly opened fire on soldiers and civilians, killing 13 and wounding 38.

The Bushes, who have a 1,600-acre property known as Prairie Chapel Ranch less than 30miles from Fort Hood in central Texas, spent between one and two hours visiting the wounded and their families.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Unsure Whether To Curse or Cry...I Think I'll Pray

Okay, I’m at a loss for words here. This is beyond belief. When I heard this, I pinched myself to make sure it wasn’t just a bad dream. This is precisely how much these assholes in the media appreciate our military, and all this on Veterans Day no less. Part of me wants to cry, and the other part of me is so mad, I could shit in my hands and rub it in my hair. These assholes should be fired immediately. What has happened to our country? I could puke, literally. Hearing this just ruined my day. Damn

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Even More Left-Wing Insanity After Fort Hood Terrorist Attack

This is like a gift that just keeps giving. I continue to be amazed by the left-wing lunatics in the Obama administration, Congress, the media, and amazingly, even in the military. I’ll start this rant with army chief of staff George Casey and his statement after last week’s terrorist attack at Fort Hood. He says that diversity is our strength not only in our country, but also inn our military, and that as horrific as this tragedy was, that if diversity becomes a casualty, that would be worse. Diversity, I guess in this case, was more important than security. It has been reported that some of the soldiers serving with Hassan reported to higher ups in the military that Hassan was a ticking time bomb, and were rejected and ignored. If Casey and several intelligence agencies knew he was trying to contact Al Qaeda and other anti-American groups, as well as spewing anti-American and jihadist sentiment and still did nothing, this is negligence and they should all be prosecuted. If General Casey and other higher ups knew these things and did nothing; they should be court-martialed immediately. This, if true, is dereliction of duty at the highest level.

Obama, during his speech at the Fort Hood memorial service yesterday, continued to talk in generalities without any specifics or any denunciation. He also touted our country as being able to give this terrorist bastard due process. Why won’t he tell it like it is? Why won’t he say this bastard is a terrorist and should rot in hell for murdering innocent soldiers? I really wish he would show some leadership for once. This is weakness, on a monumental scale.

Anyone with half a brain, who isn’t a complete and total moron, knows this is terrorism. Members of the media, including FOX News’ Geraldo Rivera refuse to call Hassan a terrorist. Geraldo says he is a criminal who might’ve snapped over a toothache or something. Geraldo says you have to be conspiring with others to be considered a terrorist. We know now that he had been in contact with a radical cleric in Yemen, had tried to contact Al Qaeda, had authored anti-American and pro-jihadist posts on the internet, visited strip clubs the night before the attack just like the 9/11 hijackers did, and then proceeded to enter the building, shout ”Allah Akbar,” and begin to shoot innocent soldiers like they were in a shooting gallery. What in the hell is it that they don’t get? Why this refusal to see the truth? Whose side is the media on anyway? Is there any surprise that MSNBC has more call letters than viewers?

The terrorist bastard’s lawyer says he fears Hassan won’t receive a fair trial. Maybe we should allow him to be tried in Yemen, or Saudi Arabia, or Algeria, or Morocco. Maybe in one of these places, he would receive a jury who would acquit him.

What in the hell has our country become? I hope and pray people continue to wake up. Next years mid-term elections are crucial. If we do not regain conservative majorities in Congress, I stand by my quote, “we’re toast.” Just my opinion

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Neal Boortz Tweet

"The DC sniper to be executed tonight. Lethal injection? Not good enough. Tie him up and tell him a sniper will be along any minute now." This was so good I had to share it...actually, I wouldn't have a problem with it, literally.